Special Irish Award to Junior Certificate students at Mohill Community College  

We are delighted to announce that two of our students here at Mohill Community, College Aoife Bentout and Zara Sheahan achieved a distinction ( 90 to 100%)  in Irish in the Junior Cycle Examination 2022 . The students above are among only 2.6% of students across the country who achieved a distinction in the higher level T2 Irish paper last year in the new Junior Cycle Irish examination.

We echo the words of Pól Ó Dochartaigh  from the University of Galway when speaking recently about these students – “You should all be very proud of yourselves , you are exceptional students , with exceptional ability in the Irish language and you are a great source of encouragement to us as we can rest assured that the future of the Irish language is in safe hands “

Aoife Bentout is a past student of Annaduff National School and Zara Sheahan of the Hunt National School here in Mohill and they are pictured
above with M Ní Dhonnchú , Irish teacher , having been presented with a special award from the former school principal Una Duffy .
